How to contact Support
  • Marketplace Support can help you with your account, shop, or purchasing issues over phone or email.
Questions about your order
  • If you have any questions about an item or order you purchased, you can contact the seller. Sellers can help you with order tracking or specifics about an item.  
Problems with your order
  • If you don't receive your order or it doesn't match the description in the listing on the Marketplace, you can open a case with the seller.
Change a wrong shipping address on an order

  • If you made and error in the shipping address, don't worry! You can change it to the correct address for your order before it's shipped.  Check to make sure your order has not shipped and contact the seller.
  • If your order has shipped check the sellers policies to see if they are able to offer a replacement or refund. Each seller has their own policies that are on their shops homepage. If any issues come up after your order has been shipped, you will want to work with your seller and the shipping service directly.
  • If the item has been shipped you can also contact the shipping service to see if they can reroute the order.
I still need help

If you messaged the seller, and opened a case, and you didn’t receive the help you need, contact support and we'd be happy to help.
How do refunds and returns work on the Marketplace?
  • Sellers aren’t required to accept returns, exchanges, or provide a refund unless stated in the return policy on their listing.
  • If the seller is willing to accept this return, be sure to settle on the details in a message before returning the item.
What are listing policies?
  • Each seller on the Marketplace is responsible for setting their own policies regarding refunds, exchanges, and returns on every item they list for sale. A seller can choose to offer different return policies, or decline to accept returns on specific items they sell. If you’re making multiple purchases from the same shop, you may want to check the policies for each item you’re buying.

What is an Estimated Delivery Date?

  •  The estimated delivery date is when your order should arrive. Generally, the estimated delivery date is based on a combination of the processing time for the items you ordered (how long it takes the seller to create and prepare them for shipment), and the transit time (how long the package is typically in transit with the shipping carrier).

    Processing time + Carrier transit time = Estimated Delivery Date

    For example: If the processing time for an item you purchased is 3-5 days, and the transit time for the shipping method you chose is usually 2-4 days, your estimated delivery date is 5-9 days from today.

    If the seller completes the order earlier than the expected ship date, the estimated delivery date will be recalculated accordingly.
Why don't I see an estimated delivery date for my order?
  • Not all orders will have estimated delivery dates. Estimated delivery dates depend on the order’s shipping settings, which are set by the seller.

  • Shop confidently with the Marketplace Purchase Protection program knowing if your order qualifies, you’ll get a full refund if your purchase doesn’t match the item description, arrives damaged, or never arrives.
    What Is the Processing Time for an Item?
    • The processing time is the length of time the shop needs to get an order ready to ship, or the length of time between when you place an order and when the shop ships your order.

    • If an order is custom, the processing time will include the time it takes to create the custom item.
    • Sellers can set the processing times for items in their shop. The processing time can vary from item to item within one shop.

      Still need help? Email Hello@tulsacountyliving.com or submit your contact and inquiry below.


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